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Water pollution is serious, water purifier may become an effective purification method!

Water pollution caused by domestic sewage is also not to be underestimated. Over the past two decades, China has made a lot of efforts in water pollution and has achieved certain results, but the deterioration of water pollution has not been effectively controlled. The problem of pollution has threatened the people to restrict economic and social development, and the problems they face are very serious.
Water is one of the indispensable conditions for human beings to survive on the earth. The quality of water sources directly affects our physical health, but in recent years, with the acceleration of the pace of building a modern society, human economic activities Intensification, the development of industrial production and the prosperity of the social economy, while consuming a large amount of energy, a large amount of industrial wastewater and urban domestic sewage are discharged into the water body. The situation of water pollution is increasingly intensified. Both are very harmful. Over time, it will inevitably threaten human safety and health. So what are the water pollution that everyone is paying more attention to at present? Currently, there are three types of water pollution: industrial water pollution, agricultural water pollution and domestic water pollution.
I. Industrial Water Pollution
The development of industry has a very important role in promoting social progress. Every year, various types of industrial production will contribute to China's economic development. However, because China's industrial technology is not very advanced, it is said that it leads to a large amount of energy. Consumption, industrial pollution discharge is relatively large, resulting in aggravated water pollution environment, and the discharge of industrial pollution into water bodies has already caused a greater impact on the environment and the normal use of residents. At this stage, the treatment of industrial water pollution has been urgently resolved thing.
Agricultural water pollution
The sources of agricultural water pollution are relatively wide. On the one hand, as some highly polluting enterprises go to the countryside and urban domestic waste continues to expand to the countryside, the ecological environment and water bodies in the rural areas have also been damaged. Irrational discharge of materials has also increased the pace of agricultural water pollution. Many chemical substances have been discharged into water bodies, adding a lot of pollution sources to the water bodies, which has caused unimaginable harm to the environment and water sources, and the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural production Agricultural membranes have increased sharply, the total amount of livestock and poultry aquaculture has continued to expand, and the large-scale discharge of rural domestic sewage and the disorderly discharge of garbage have made the problems of rural ecological environment and agricultural product safety increasingly serious, which have seriously restricted the sustainable development of the rural economy. Effective improvement of water sources is not only the needs of farmers, but also the urgent needs of rural development.
Third, domestic water pollution
The water pollution caused by domestic sewage is also not to be underestimated. For more than two decades, China has made a lot of efforts in water pollution and has made certain achievements, but the situation of water environment deterioration is still not effectively controlled. The problem of domestic water pollution has threatened people's health and restricted economic and social development. The problems they face are very serious.
Water is essential to our survival and life. Nowadays, the increasingly serious water pollution problem is already an urgent matter for us to solve. Therefore, we should have the sense of ownership and do our best to start with the small things around us and let the pollution get farther and farther from us. We have a safe and hygienic drinking water environment! Today, three major pollutions erupt at the same time, and water purifiers may become an effective way to purify terminal water!

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